Rainbow Six Siege Leaked Video Shows Off Warden and Nokk

Rainbow Six Siege
Rainbow Six Siege

Operation Phantom Sight is set to be the next season in the current year for Rainbow Six Siege, however it seems that a Rainbow Six Siege Leaked Video Shows Off Warden and Nokk. We now know their abilities, weapons and loadout extensively, which also helps us tell about the kind of operators they are!

Rainbow Six Siege Leaked Video Shows Off Warden and Nokk

In a Rainbow Six Siege Leaked Video, we get a first look at Operation Phantom Sight. The operation will introduce Warden, a defense operator who is impervious to smokes, flash, stuns, and other effects with the help of his special glasses.

We also have a look at Nokk, an attacker who is a hybrid of Caviera and Vigil. She can mimic the movement of Caviera in Silent Step but is invisible to defender cameras, except Mozzie’s hijacked drones, and Echo’s Yokai, on which she will emit a wavelength pattern, similar to that of Vigil for attackers.

You can see the full video below.

So RainbowSixFR published that and then remove it from Rainbow6

The full reveal of the operators was supposed to take place at the Rainbow Six Invitational that is happening later this weekend. For now, we wish we could say this is a rumor, but the video comes to us from Reddit user KiwikeTM, who captured the video from the French Twitter account of Rainbow Six Siege.

There is little doubt that the video is authentic and we can only assume that an eager employee uploaded the video very early.

Operation Phantom Sight is looking to severely shake up the meta. We have already witnessed Ubisoft experimenting with roles in operators by introducing shield defenders like Clash, and hybrid breachers like Maverick on attack with his blowtorch.

It will be interesting to see the strategies and utility players can get from players like Nokk and Warden.

Year Pass holders will get to play the new operators when they are available for purchase and non pass holders will have to wait a week before being able to purchase the operators with renown.

Let us know what you think of the new operators in the comments section below.