Call of Duty Mobile Season 1 Week 4 Challenges Guide

Cod Mobile Season 1 Week 3 Challenges
Call of Duty Mobile

Call of Duty Mobile season 1 week 4 challenges are now up and you can clear them in no time with the help of this guide.

After a long wait, Call of Duty Mobile is finally launched on smartphones and it became an instant hit with hitting 100+ million downloads in just 2 weeks of release. The game offers fast-paced just like the original games providing with the popular call of duty multiplayer maps from CoD 4: Modern Warfare, Black Ops. The game is free to play with normal multiplayer modes like Team Deathmatch, Frontline, Domination and Search and Destroy. The game also features Battle Royale mode as well. The challenges for season 1 week 4 are up and here’s how you can clear them in no time.

Call of Duty Mobile Season 1 Week 4 Challenges Guide

Doing challenges nets your battle experience, and that can be later used to receive experience cards, battle points, and cosmetic items.

The Season 1 Week 4 challenges for Call of Duty Mobile are fairly simple, and we’ll go through each of these weekly and daily ones.

Weekly Challenges for MP

Use Sprays Twice

Pretty straightforward challenge. Equip sprays from loadout customization and when in-game use it two times.

cod mobile week 4 challenge

cod mobile week 4 challenge

Kill Enemies with Grenades in MP Matches

While in-game in any multiplayer game modes (Team Deathmatch, Frontline, Domination and Search and Destroy) eliminate your enemies with Grenades two times. It will not work for Battle Royale mode, however.

Win 3 Rank Matches

After you have reached level 10, you can head over into multiplayer, and chose the ranked option from the top left.

In the previous week’s challenge all, you have to play the rank matches alone without having to worry about winning. This week you will have to win two rank matches.

Play 1 Battle Royale match with Friends

Invite your friends and hop into the Battle Royale mode and you’re done with this challenge.

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Call of Duty Mobile season 1 week 4 challenges 1

Premium Weekly Challenges for MP

Kill 1 Enemy with Grenades in MP Matches

This challenge is self-explanatory. While playing any MP game match kill 1 enemy with Granade.

Kill 20 enemies in MP Matches

Kill any 20 enemies in any of the MP game modes (Team Deathmatch, Frontline, Domination and Search and Destroy.

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Weekly Challenges for Battle Royale

Heal 200 total points in Battle Royale

Very simple, all you have to do is to heal your HP back to 200 when you take any kind of damage in Battle Royale mode.

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This concludes the Call of Duty Mobile season 1 week 4 challenges guide. Let us know if you find any trouble while completing any of the above challenges.